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The " Battilani Sapori " is a company that was born in Castiglione del Lago (Pg) at the end of the sixties of the twentieth century by virtue of the Battilani family's dedication and respect for local food knowledge.

Specialized in the production of cured meats and cold cuts , elaborated according to artisanal techniques from Umbria and Tuscany, it offers unusual flavors that refer to the healthy taste of the sharecropping countryside; flavors to be rediscovered also in sauces , soups, oil and condiments produced or selected by the company. The choice of precious raw materials allows to obtain handicraft products of certified quality.

Quality artisan salami

With a retrospective look at tradition and with a mind constantly turned to innovation , the mission of "Battilani Sapori" is to offer a local and international public ever-renewed food and wine experiences . In Castiglione del Lago (Pg) or Cortona (Ar), all lovers of taste will be able to recognize the scent of the woods in the salami with porcini and truffles, that of the lake valleys in the capocolli, as well as savor the rural atmospheres modernized in the hare sauce or goose.

Simple but innovative flavors, healthy but experimental; strong sensations; flavors to remember.

Battilani family

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